...is me and my iPhone
right there
enjoy me!!
I "bought" my iPhone -which doesn't have a name yet, but will soon - a couple of days ago...
Having a cute gadget kind of changes your life for a split second, and this time I figured out the big Y! ...the big "why", that is!
So, trying hard to hide but really show off my newly acquired gadget, i strutted in my office. iPhone being in my front left pocket, I did a pirhouette going in, like I dropped a nickel or sthg, like "oh... what... where is that?", turning left and right, until the right person spotted it.
"You got it!!", he exclaimed!
"Huh? what do you mean? ooooh, thaaaaaaaaat", I said casually... "yes, yes, i got it", I answered, very successfully (and academy award deserving-ly) hiding my excitement.
"Letmeseeitletmeseeitletmeseeit!", he started singing. Him. Who, up until the day before was afraid to talk to me, in case my ex-friend-who-has-befriended-him-selling-him-lies-about-me-and-a-basketball-team-and-whipped-cream-in-weird-places finds out he's friendly with me and stops talking to him to.
I went up to him and placed it in his hands. It's white, it's shiny, it's gorgeous, and his eyes were shining. "Was it awfully expensive?", he asked, and I could see a drop of drool at the corner of his mouth.
"Nah", I replied, oh so casually. "As a matter of fact, I paid nothing for it, it was included in my dad's programme".
He played with it a little and never even noticed her coming in. She turned her head away from us and said goodmorning to everyone else. I was on top of the world and pretended not to notice.
I'm pretending not to notice a lot of things lately. That has become a second nature to me.
The day passes and everyone has a nice word to say about Snow White -oh! I just named my iPhone! Cute! - and I'm quite proud. But, guess what.. my split second is not even here yet!
Close to the end of the day, I was sitting alone with our photo editor, discussing things. Suddenly, the discussion -of course- turns to Snow White. "Can I play with it?", she said. "Sure" I said, "Go ahead!".
So she took it in her hands and looked at it right, and looked at it left and looked at it lovingly and admiringly...
And then she came in
My lying-through-her-teeth-all-year-long-and-then-spreading-rumors-about-me-like-i-was-a-piece-of-sh*t-she-just-happened-to-step-on-and-carry-around-on-her-shoe finally, after a whole day of everyone talking about it, caught on.
"Oh my GOD!", she shrieked, and the tone was so high pitch i swear it broke a window. "Is that an iPhone? Is it yours?", she squealed.
I blinked
"Uh... yeah?"
"ohgodohgodohgod can I hold it?", she squeaked.
I blinked
"Uh... ok?"
"It is sooooo gorgeous I love it, oh wow, it is absolutely gorgeous, i love it love it love it, and now i hate my phone!", she exploded. "You are so lucky, it is amazing, great for you"
I blinked
"Uh... uh -huh..."
Then gave it to me and then left trashing her phone
I immediately called Kalouda and said "Please... do that magic you do about the evil eye... I have a feeling my phone will break today".
Well, it didn't break. But I got a pretty good idea of what a masked person is all about!