Monday, June 9, 2008

How it feels to be a Sagittarius

Photo taken from

Sagittarius Traits

Optimistic and freedom-loving
Jovial and good-humored
Honest and straightforward
Intellectual and philosophical

On the dark side....

Blindly optimistic and careless
Irresponsible and superficial
Tactless and restless

I believe in Astrology. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I believe in Nature’s influence in our lives. Maybe, on the other hand, it has something to do with the fact that my boyfriend’s mother is an astrologist, and I wouldn’t like to piss her off. Either way, I read my sign daily in the newspaper, I take it very seriously, and when it says that I should stay at home and not mess with anyone, I call in sick at work, stay in bed and whenever people are around me, I pretend to be asleep.

I am known to have done this on more than one occasions.


What you read above is what the Astrologists all agree that a Sagittarius is like. I will take these characteristics a line at a time.

“Optimistic and freedom loving”

Hmmm… Not badly put. Although, in the past few years my optimism has gotten in his car and left the premises for good. I don’t know what it was that prompted this reaction on his part: was it something I said? Was it something I did? Was it something that happened that I had no control over? Surely, my not being able to pass one lousy class to get that f***ng Master’s degree, for three years couldn’t have had much to do with it! Neither could the fact that I hate my job and they don’t hate me, and they keep me unmoved, clawing and biting. My friend completely turning her back at me, the money that’s gone before I even see what color it was, the Satan-cat that hates me, my iron being on a world record low…Nah, my optimism is a professional, he’d stick around! I blame his being a man!

My love of freedom is put. Well, I have no money to act on it, but what the heck! It’s still here!

“Jovial and good-humored”

Yes, that I am. People not getting that GOOD humor and getting pissed off at me, throwing things in my face and then talking about me behind my back is a totally unrelated fact! Plus, it doesn’t affect my GOOD humor, making sure that I will get fucked all over again, without fail!

“Honest and straightforward”

I will put this up there with the GOOD humor thing! Being honest and straightforward, people, will bite you in the ass! Don’t do it! Be deceitful and devious! That will get you a spot on national TV! Or in the hearts of people. I don’t know which is better

“Intellectual and philosophical”

I can hear the laughter all the way to Greece! Stop it! You are hurting my honest and straightforward feelings!

“Blindly optimistic and careless”

I will agree to all of the above. Blindly optimistic and careless, especially when it comes to people. When I said that “Optimism has left the premises for good” I wasn’t referring to the blind one! That guy can’t drive! No, I was referring to the useful one, the one that motivates you to do stuff! The one that would put me in my chair to study for the freaking course, the one that would tell me “why don’t you start writing something? Who knows?”, the one that sent me to New York once upon a time. That one’s gone. The blind one, the one that tells me “trust everyone, it doesn’t matter what your gut tells you, or what your mom tells you, or what your loved ones tell you, or what the behaviors you see tell you! Trust them like they’re good!”, that one is still here, ruling my life! Someone get the son of a bitch off my face!

“Irresponsible and superficial”

I don’t even need to comment on this one. I am irresponsible and superficial. Period.

“Tactless and restless”

Apparently I am tactless, since I am “Honest and Straightforward”. Though most of the time I am nice –what! You got a problem with that? – sometimes I just out and say stuff and then I regret it. But I’ve already said it. And the rest is history.

Restless… I don’t think that’s bad… but I don’t think I have it anymore. Restlessness takes you places… But I feel so old lately!

So there you have it. That’s what my zodiac sign has been reduced to. Panos’ mom would chase me with a stick! But what can I do?

My advice to you: Stay away from me. You never know how I might hit you in the head!

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