Tuesday, November 18, 2008

cause my writer's block extends all the way to my blog

I blame Daisy for this... And I thank Daisy for this! Either way!

A is for age: 23, and i'll stick to that even under torture (so please, don't try!)

B is for beer choice: Guinness... i love mcfarland too

C is for career right now: Down the toilet... right now, or in a while, either way that's where i'm flushing it soon

D is for your dog's name(s): I never had a dog, but my godparents who lived next door did... they were named Phoevos and Peggy

E is for essential item you use everyday: let me see... what do i use everyday?? i've been staring at this for five minutes now... my car? my blowdryer? the coffee pot?? my laptop? i don't know!

F is for your favorite TV show at the moment: I honestly don't have one! oh! except for Charmed, but that's a rerun

G is for favorite game: Ok, i honestly don't have one... unless you count cards, in which case, biriba

H is for hometown: Thessaloniki, greece... you should visit, it's nice... ONLY for a visit!

I is for instrument you play: OK... I play the piano and sometimes i play with other peoples nerves

J is for favorite juice: apple juice, by far

K is for whose butt you'd like to kick: do NOT get me started! it will be a very long list, it will crash Multiply and that won't be good for anyone!

L is for the last place you ate: Home

M is for marriage: I wouldn't know

N is for your name: I hate my name... when i was little, i exchanged names with a friend. seriously. she took my name and i took hers. didn't work very well, though, cause noone else would get it, and when they called me, she would answer and it was a mess... so we changed back after a couple of days

O is for overnight hospital stays: none... oh except for that time when my dad was in the hospital and that other time... but none for me

P is for people you were with today: too many for my peace of mind

Q is for Quote: uhm... if there's a god, i'd like some proof, like a million dollars in my bank account, or something like that... woody allen said it... it was cute - Panos' addition: I get the best parts in my movies because i sleep with the director - again woody allen

R is for biggest regret: hmmm... not going to athens when asked at a certain time

S is for status: the magazine? never read it

T is for time you woke up today: i don't remember... 7:30? 8?

U is for underwear you have on now: yes i do

V is for vegetable you love: broccoli, don't shoot me

W is for worst habit: eating as much as i do - seriously, i'm unstoppable

X is for x-rays you've had taken: a few, can't count them!

Y is for yummy food you ate today: Panos' spaghetti sauce... it was so good, i ate as much as a four-member family would

Z is for zodiac sign: Sagittarius... so what does this say about me?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
