Friday, November 21, 2008

as you probably guessed...

... i missed him...

I would have quit my fucking job if i didn't need the fucking money... i hate all shitheads in there...
I'm lucky I don't need to punch in though... and that's probably one of the reasons that I haven't quit yet... I'm quick and I'm good at what I do... I do twice the work other people do in half the time and probably twice as good... that makes everyone just dumping work on me, and me just doing it and leaving before everyone else even starts working...
you want to know my secret?

I - Don't - Slack

That's right

If I have to work, I put my head down and get the job done. I won't gossip, I won't have coffee, I won't snack, I won't sneeze or go to the bathroom until everything is perfect.

People ask me "how do you do it?", well, duh, Einstein, I work! When I have three pieces to write, I don't just talk about my weekend with everyone that comes by, then try to catch up on office gossip, then go get me some food, then play some Tetris on my PC and then, at 7 in the afternoon, wonder why everything didn't just materialize on my Word and ask people to help me cause "I have so much work I will never leave the office!"

Buy some brain cells

As you can tell, I'm not in a good mood. The big boss called me in his office last week and gave me more work to be doing on a daily basis. Says he doesn't really trust anyone else with it, but won't relieve me of any of my other duties.. I couldn't really say "no" because everyone knows I'm quick in getting things done, so he would just say "you are not being paid by work volume, but by the hour". which makes me feel kind of stupid, because i was already doing twice the work everyone else does...
What made it worse is that a) I can't go to ballet classes anymore cause I don't have the time anymore, and b) it HAD to be the week Brett Anderson came to play in Athens. Dammit...

Also this week my dad asked me to go have some tests done. You see, my mom had this hormonal condition when she was about 35, i'm not sure what it was, but she got bloated and couldn't have kids anymore... Well, I'm 33 and my dad noticed that I started to get bloated, so he's afraid I may have the same thing, since it's hereditary. I don't really want to go get tested, cause there's nothing that can be done anyways, and if I have it, it means I can't have kids, and gods know i want to have kids, and it will just destroy me.
well, you'll say "and wondering won't?". Who knows? maybe!

Also the iron in my blood has dropped to the floor again, and I should be doing something about this too, cause it brings my depression back to the surface! I'm thinking spirulina, but it smells sooooooo bad!

Also, I got rear- ended this week! Get your minds out of the gutter, geeeeeeez! My car! I turned and there was this girl unparking and she saw me and, instead of stopping to let me pass -cause i was IN the street, she was TRYING to get into the street - accelerated and cut me off, so I had to brake, and the guy behind me was going too fast and was way too close to me, so he just drove his car into mine.
did some damage to my bumper, but that's ok, it's just a car!

I'm glad Lionel is back, cause I was worried! Dude, I hope everything was OK while you were away, why were you away? I'm glad you're back

I'm glad Ned is back too, don't go away again!


Ask no questions, just open up your minds and hearts and trust me. Go here and buy! I've read it and it's great, and by great I mean awesome!

I hope everyone had a great week!

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